Istanbul, Turkey
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Training Courses

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Project Management

Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria-wikipedia


Community & Humanitarian Projects

Courses for community development are designed in away to enable the community to take collection actions for their common problems.

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Environment, Social Safeguard & Energy

Visit Environment and Social Safeguard related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you!



It is communication that one gets job or lose job. In order to know more about our communication courses, review the below communication training courses launched:



Gender related courses are launched here! If the below gender training courses do not satisfy your needed, write us your needs relevant to the field so that we can manage!

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Enterprise Development

You can find Enterprise Related courses here! We offer tailor made courses for enterprises! Further, we offer training support and take them to practical grounds rather than offering theory!

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Administration & Office MGT

Administration unit is back bone! Most organizations call it Support Unit! It supports Operations! It is a link between an organization’s various departments. Effective operations need, strong administrative support! To learn more about our training packages under the above topic, kindly visit the below menu.

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Personal Development

Personal Development is a life long process! It can not be done in one or two days! One needs to be up-to-date in terms of information, knowledge and skills!

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Procurement & Contracts

Procurement Management and Contract Management (Contract Administration) are types of management that numerous organizations deal with them one way or another! Skills of negotiation, effective management, support and retaining are required in order to have strong Procurement or Contract Management

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Finance & Audit

If you really want to avoid loss and get tension free, put finance first whether that is in terms of accounting, recording, decision making and setting margins!

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Training of Trainers

Go to the Training of Trainers related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you.

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Human Resources

Visit Human Resources related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you.


Marketing & Selling

Marketing & Selling related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you.

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Public Health

Here are the Public Health related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you.

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Technical Softwares

Technical Softwares related courses are here and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you.

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Mini MBA's

Visit Environment and Social Safeguard related courses and choose the one that best suits your organizational needs! If you do not find the course of your choice, leave us an email and share your objectives to design one for you!

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Oil & Gas

We offer comprehensive training programs in Gas & Oil that equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to excel in the industry, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.